Sunday, January 27, 2013

Fun with Oreos

I know it has been a month since Christmas, but when I had this idea this morning... I just had to share! I had found quite a few packs of holiday Oreos on sale after Christmas and I bought all I had found since my family loves them. Needless to say... we still have a few packs of Christmas Oreos at my house. While I was decorating cookies this morning, my son was eating a few and a light bulb when off in my head! There are already deigns on the Oreos so why not use that as a pattern and decorate the Oreo with icing! Here are the four designs that were in the pack:

Here are the same four decorated with royal icing:

If you don't have a recipe for royal icing, one can be found on my friend Sweet Sugarbelle's blog.

These only took a few minutes to do since the design was already there!

I know of two other times of the year they produce holiday Oreos... Spring and Halloween. 

Don't let the designs limit you though!! With Valentine's Day coming up, you could pipe hearts, lips, "X" & "O", etc. The possibilities are endless!!

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Wow! It's been a while!!

SO much has happened since I last posted! Two of the biggest of all these would be that I quit full time job and will now be able to stay at home with my kids and I hit 1500 fans on my facebook page! Both are like a dream come true!! So lets just get straight to the point and catch up where I left off!

let's start with some of the birthday platters from October

Here are a few of the Halloween cookies I did

I was lucky enough to be able to participate in a fall cookie swap with some of my cookie friends. I was the host, so I wanted to include a little "gift" for each of my friends. I let my four year old son draw on a cookie and send it to each of them. Here was my submission for the swap followed by the cookies my son drew. 

 I really enjoyed being a part of this swap and all the cookies we received were beautiful and delicious!!

Next up we have some Thanksgiving cookies

My next platter is one of my favorites! It was for a shabby chic first birthday party

The cookies in the above photo were inspired by my good friend Sweet Sugarbelle! I am hoping she will be putting a tutorial on her blog about them soon.

Next up is Christmas!! I decided to offer cookies trays with drop cookies and sugar cookies this year. My husband also agreed to dress like Santa so I was also able to offer Santa delivery. It was a huge hit!

Here are a few of the Christmas platters I did... along with the minis that I sent to my son's class to hand out to his friends.

 I really liked that reindeer in the above photo. I used a bunny cutter for him! :)

That is all for the rest of 2012... so let's move on to 2013 starting out with my New Year platter!

  The skyline photo was inspired by my friend Anne at Flour Box Bakery! If you haven't seen hear cookies... head over NOW! Okay... well not right this second, because you need to stay a little longer to finish looking at the rest of my cookies! ;)

These were done for a winter "One"derland party

 I made these for some friends 50th wedding anniversary! What a huge accomplishment for them!!

My husband is part of a company called American Milsim. They are an airsoft company. They traveled to Shot Show in Vegas this week, so I made them some special cookies with their logo.

Okay... so these cookies were a first for me! I have never seen Star Wars (I know I am probably one of the few that haven't) so I had to have major help from my friend Callye aka Sweet Sugarbelle. I had to replicate her cookies so please don't be too harsh when you look at hers compared. She is super human... I can't compete! ;)

And finally... the last cookies for me to be caught up!! These are for my sister in laws grandchild. Her theme was Enchanted Unicorn. I made the unicorn for the cake topper. Sticks were put on some of the other cookies as well. I will try to add a photo of the entire cake when I get one. 

Well... if you have made it through this whole post.. THANK YOU!! I will try to be better in keeping up with this blog! I will soon be doing my 1500 fan giveaway... so stay tuned for that!!